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k e e p y o u r h a n d s
c l e a n ? 5
Hear what Carmen has to say
about Quilted Northern Soft & Strong.'
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R eady for so m e straigh t talk a b o u t to ilet p a p e r and g e ttin g clean?
Q uilted N orthern Soft & Strong is
50% stronger*
than th e leading
rippled brand. W hile you clean , it h elp s your h an d s stay clean .
S atisfaction g u a ra n teed . O r your m on ey back.
S e e details at qu ilted n orth ern .com .
F o r
C o n f i d e n t
C l e a n .
. Georgia-Pacific
Goorgia-Pacific Consumer Products LP
. A
ll rights rosorvod
* When Wet.
Quilted Northern Sott
Strong, Q Design, Wavy Diamond Design, Double Hearts and Flowers emboss, and the Georgia-Pacific logo aro trademarks ownod by or licensed
to Georgia-Pacific Consumer Products lp.
Send original receipt and UPC within
6 0
days from date of purchase for a refund. Offer is limited to one
refund per household or address for purchase of a single Quilted Northern Soft & Strong
product. Request must be mailed to P.O. Box
Morton Grove, IL
6 0 0 5 3 ,
postmarked by
and received by
Go to quiltednorthern.com for complete refund details.
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